500+ Brand New Jeep Names with Meaning: Find & Get your Best 1!
Any Jeep admirer knows that Jeep names are a must. Naming vehicles is practiced worldwide, and it continues to grow in necessity. From the Jeep Cherokee to the Jeep Wrangler, we can say that it is necessary to give your Jeep’s names.
Most Jeep owners love to customize their Jeeps, adding more accessories to give them the best look.
A beautiful name might be just the icing on the cake. We would first talk about how you can come up with Jeep names before we enlist some of our recommended names.
How Can I Name My Jeep?
These tips can help you get the perfect name for your Jeep.
Choose a Name That Reflects Your Hobbies
Some Jeep owners got the type of Jeep that suits their hobbies or lifestyle. Due to the variety of Jeep models, you can choose a good best for outdoor hobbies.
Suppose you are a beach person, naming your Jeep ‘Bum Bum.’ For off-road lovers, ‘Cliffhanger’ is a nice suggestion.
Select a Boy or Girl Name
You may have noticed some persons refer to their vehicles as male or female. When you get your Jeep, decide if your car will be a boy or a girl.
You can use John if you see your car as a boy, but you can go for Judy if it’s a girl.
Take a Name of a Fictional Character
It is common for Jeep lovers to give their vehicles the name of their favorite fictional character. It can be from comics or books. These names can also signify the character’s color.
You can name your Jeep, Superman, Bumblebee, or Tinkerbell.
Choose a Name on Color Bases
You can choose your Jeep name based on the color of the Jeep; a Blue Jeep can be named Blue Ice. Some people use colors to define their personalities.
So if that’s you, go for a color name that tells people who you are.
500+ Beautiful Jeep Names
Cool and Badass Jeep

When giving your Jeep a nickname, you may want to go for something so cool. Badass names can be very good on the ears, but how do you come up with that perfect cool name to make your Jeep outstanding?
We have some ideas that might help you relieve some mental stress.
The name you plan to come up with can either reference your Jeep’s performance, your kind of taste, or even both. A cool name is perfect for a tough Jeep machine.
Believe us! No one will want to mess with your vehicle or you. Below are our cool Jeep names:
- Mudtroll
- Nightcrawler
- Optimus Prime
- Platinum
- Prowler
- Admiral
- Conquest
- Crowd pleaser
- Dagger
- Dark Angel
- Deadpool
- Diablo
- Goliath
- Jarvis – the Celtic name for a servant
- Rock N’ Roll
- Rocky
- Sand Witch
- Slasher
- Smokey
- Sniper
- Tropical Thunder
- Domino
- Bada-bing
- Beastie
- Big Boy
- Bolt
- Bombshell
- Bulldog
- Calypso
- Chardonnay
- Commando
- Envy
- Fireball
- Flames
- General
- Voltron
- Warthog
- Wicked One
- Wreckloose
- Knight Rider
- Loki – Named after the fictional character in the Marvel Comics Franchise
- Mad Max
- Martian Manhunter
- Maximus – the Latin word for “huge”
- Moon Struck – Named after Cher, the movie star
- Puddles
- Punisher
- Ragnar – Named after the legendary Viking hero
- Raider
- Ranger
- Road Rage
Girl Jeep Names

Let’s look at some nice Jeep names for girls. Some persons might prefer to use a traditionally feminine name for their Jeep or a girlish name, whatever suits them. This is most common for ladies than men.
Although, if you are a man, you can also use these names if you take your Jeep to be your baby girl or need an opposite name for your rugged Jeep. Check out these cool girly Jeep names:
- Cleopatra
- Cruella
- Demeter
- Diva
- Eve
- First Lady
- G.I Jane
- Miss Independent
- Susan
- Suzy
- Vanessa
- Xena
- Goldie – A good name for an orange Jeep
- Hebe
- Hera
- Hestia
- Abbie
- Anne/Annie
- Aphrodite
- Ariel – The fictional character in the Disney movie ‘the little mermaid’
- Artemis
- Athena
- Atlanna
- Babe
- Barbie
- Beatrice
- Bella
- Belle
- Bertha
- Mystique
- Nemesis
- Nora
- Old Lady
- Peppermint
- Pink Panther
- Poison Ivy
- Poodle
- Queenie
- Raven
- Rhea
- Rosé/Rosie
- Serenity
- Betty
- Betty White
- Chica – Chica means ‘girl’ in Spanish
- Issy
- Jane
- Jenny
- Jewelry
- Jolene
- Karen
- Katey
- Miss Tipsy
- Mistress
- Shield Maiden – This name means ‘female warrior’ in Scandinavian folklore
- Siren – Half Bird and Half Woman
- Lady Luck
- Lady Marmalade
- Leto
- Lioness
- Lucid Lucy
- Lyra
Cute Jeep Names

Those who want really cute names for their Jeep should look at these. Some Jeep owners, especially men, might want to give their vehicles a name that would catch feminine attention easily.
You’ve really nailed this one to get the ‘awwwnnn’ expression. Cute Jeep names can be a sweet word or cute sound, or you might even consider using a pet name.
Here are pretty cute names for your Jeep:
- Angel
- Beautiful Beast
- Fabulous
- Miss Honey
- Munchkin
- Ocean Mist
- Plum Perfect
- Pop Tart
- Speedie
- Merjeep
- Guardian Angel
- Happiness
- Honeybee
- Honey Badger
- Indigo
- Jellybean
- Kissy
- Beauty
- Bestie
- Bonbon
- Boo
- Bumblebee
- Pudding
- Pumpkin
- Puppy
- Passion
- Rendezvous
- Smarty
- Snuggles
- Chums
- Cutie
- Daisy
- Lovebug
- Lucky Charm
- Luna Laguna
- Marshmallow
Funny Jeep Names

Do you plan on using a funny name that would crack anyone’s ribs?
Of course, everyone loves to laugh, so it’s a great idea to get names that sound funny for your Jeep. You can choose your Jeep’s name based on a funny cartoon character or even your personality.
Basically, anything that would make you laugh a little. We have here some Jeep names that would sound funny:
- Dump
- Dirty Gerty
- Distress
- Doughboy
- Drama Queen
- High Premiums
- Hitchcock
- Hot Dog
- Killer Whale
- Last Legs
- Lazy Bones
- Makeout
- Man Cave
- Mistress
- Money Pit
- Crawler
- Crush
- Dark Digger – Named after the character in ‘Boogie Nights’
- DentedMuddie
- Nemo
- Oldie
- Old Testament
- Old Yeller
- Patches
- Piggie
- Pork Chop
- Porker
- Buddha
- Candy Van
- Chainsmoker
- Chatty
- Cheetos
- Clementine
- Wobbles
- Whiskey
- Problem Child
- Pumpkin
- Rhino
- Slugger
- SpongeBob
- Squeaker
- Steak
- Stepchild
- Stitches
- Surf Slayer – Definitely a beach babe and surfer
- Taco
- Takeout
- Tic Tac
- Tigger – Named after the orange character in ‘Winnie the Pooh’
- Tiny Dancer
- Ugly Betty
- Vibrator
- Moose
- Mountain Goat
- Mud Monkey
- Fart
- Fattie
- Ginger Jeep
- Gramps
- Gypsy Queen
- Hank
- Hennessey
- Angry Bird
- Banana
- Big Booty Judy
- Big Mac
- Breaking Bad – From the TV series ‘Breaking Bad’.
Don’t miss out on another incredible article: Funniest Jeep Memes and Jokes
White Jeep Names

Looking for white names for your Jeeps? The fact you are choosing a white Jeep doesn’t mean it should be boring, and you might need to jazz it up with an outstanding Jeep name that should consider its color. Names for your white Jeeps:
- Bright Lights
- Casper
- Chalky
- Cocaine
- Diamond
- Herbie – Herbie the Love Bug
- Ice
- The White Ranger
- Walter White – After the character from Breaking Bad
- White Diamond
- White Dove
- White Fox
- White Hawk
- Winter
- Alaska
- Arctic
- Aspen
- Avalanche
- Olaf
- Paper Towel
- Polar Bear
- Powder
- Royalty
- Salt
- Selenite
- Siberia
- Snow Drop
- Snow Leopard
- Snow Prints
- Snow White
- Snowball
- Betty White
- Blizzard
- Dove
- Frost
- Frosty
- Ghost
- Great White Buffalo
- Wool
- White Paws
- White Pelican
- Ice Cold
- Icey
- Ivory
- Jon Snow
- Lard
- Le Blanc – French for “the white one”
- Mayonnaise
- White Rabbit
- White Rhino
- White Shark
- White Smurf
- White Tiger
- White Walker
- Misty
- Moby-Dick – A legendary white whale
- Moon
- Mushroom
- Snowman
- Snowy
- Storm
- Sugar
- White Heat
- White Jade
- White Knight
- White Lights
- White Noise
- White Phantom
- Whitewash
- White Whale
- Whitey
- Teeth
Names for Black Jeeps

The word ‘Black’ can be used as a Jeep name already. Black is a cool color for your Jeep, so it’s not very strange that some people might be looking for the right names for their black Jeep.
You can pick the name referencing anything that denotes black or signifies dark. Some creative names for black Jeeps are below:
- Black Panther
- Mayhem
- Melanite
- Midnight
- Black Cougar
- Black Diamond
- Black Gold
- Outer Space
- Tarantula
- The Black Pearl
- The Killer Whale
- Tints
- Umbreon
- Venom
- Yin – The dark half of the Yin Yang symbol
- Zorro
- Black Hawk
- Blackjack
- Charcoal
- Crow
- Dark Elegance
- Midnight Terror
- Night Fury
- Nightcrawler
- Night-runner
- Nightshade
- Noir
- Onyx
- Black Pearl – A famous ship from the movie “pirates of the caribbean”
- Batmobile
- Panther
- Raven
- Shadow
- Slate
- Spooky Shadow
- Sweet Nightmare
- Black Beauty
- Black Betty
- Black Cat
- Dark Knight
- Black Raven
- Black Sheep
- Black Spider
- Black Swan
- Black Widow
- Ace of Spades
- Dark Leopard
- Dark Night
- Dark Side
- Deathly Hallow
- Ebony
- Edge of the Universe
- Grimm
- Jet Black
- Magical Smoke
Blue Jeep Names

The blue signifies royalty; assuming you have a blue Jeep and you can’t find the right name for that beauty, we will give you some ideas you can use for your blue Jeep:
- Bombay Sapphire
- Capri
- Celeste
- Cerulean
- Cobalt
- Code Blue
- Cookie Monster
- Skye
- Smurf
- Blue Betty
- Azure
- Big Blue
- Blue Steel
- Blue Whale
- Abyss
- Black Hole
- Black Hornet
- Black Mamba
- Blueberry
- Blue Devil
- Blue Moon
- Blue Ox
- Spirit
- Spirit Blue Ice Wolf
- Teal
- The Blue Ranger
- Thunder
- Topaz
- Crystal
- Cyan
- Deep Blue Seats
- Deja Blu
- Demon Fire
- Dolphin
- Electric Blue
- Freezer
- Sapphire
- Sea
- Sea Glass
- True Blue
- Wave Rider
- Ice Queen
- Little Blue
- Midnight Blue
- Navy Blue
- Ocean
- Peacock
- Royal Blue
Green Jeep Names

With a green Jeep, you have to go for a name that can match that color. The green color signifies envy, so we are going to reveal some names that make your neighbors jealous of your vehicle.
- Alien
- Aluwyn – A demon sorceress
- Frog
- Frog Eyes
- Fiona – Princess Fiona from Shrek
- Luigi – From Super Mario
- Marijuana (MJ)
- Mean Green Beast
- Metallic Green Bee
- Oscar, the Grouch
- Frogger
- Gamora – A fictional Marvel character
- Jade
- Kermit – Kermit the Frog
- Kiwi
- Leaf
- Lime
- Green Apple
- Grinch
- Gumby
- Holly
- Benjamin
- Big Green
- Big Green Machine
- Blanka – Street Fighter character.
- Booger
- Chameleon
- Chick Hicks – From the movie “Cars”
- Clover
- Doctor Doom – A marvel fictional supervillain
- Dragonfly
- Drax the Destroyer
- Emerald
- Green Arrow
- Green Goblin
- Green Hornet
- If you think Green Lantern is too cheesy, name your car “Alan Scott”
- Green Machine
- Green Monster
- Loki
- Avocado
- Barista
- Ben 10
- Godzilla
- Green
- Green with Envy
- Greenback Boogie
- Sage – A good nickname for a classic green car.
- Shrek
- Slime
- Swamp Thing
- The Green Goddess
- The Hulk
- The Lizard King
- Toad
- Weedie
- Envy
- Evergreen
- Parrot
- Peter Pan
- Pine
- Poison Ivy
- Rango
- Rex – Short for T-rex
- Robin Hood
- Rosemary – A green vegetable.
Jeep Names for Silver Jeep

Silver Jeeps are just as cool as other amazing colors, and any Jeep owner would like this color in their collection. In the list below, you will discover a variety of names that are very good for silver cars. Some of the creative names include:
- Armor
- Ash
- Blade
- Bling Grillz
- Chrome
- Coin
- Cutlass
- Glitter
- Heavy Metal
- Iron Man
- Knife
- Mercury
- Metalhead
- Metallic
- Moonlight
- Poseidon
- Quartz
- Quicksilver
- Razorblade
- Shrapnel
- Silver Bullet
- Silver Edge
- Silver Fox
- Silver Mist
- Silver Slut
- Silver Surfer
- Silverware
- Steel
- The Iron Master
- Thunderbolt
- Titanium
- Zirconium
Names for Red Jeeps

Red Jeeps are easily noticed. Almost everyone might take a gaze at your vehicle, so you can just also make the name catchy as well:
- Bloodshot
- Bloody Wheels
- Blush
- Code R.E.D.
- Copperhead
- Crimson
- Red Devil
- Red Eagle
- Red Lobster
- Red Riding Hood
- Red Rocket
- Red Rover
- Garnet
- Berry
- Brandy
- Brassy
- Brick
- Buster
- Candy
- Cherry
- Cherry Bomb
- Fury
- Red Bullet
- Red Dawn
- Chili Pepper
- Blaze
- Firebird
- Firefox
- Flame
- Jam
- Ladybug
- Lava
- Lipstick
- Mahogany
- Rose
- Ruby
- Blood
- Blood Diamond
- Gladiator
- Hell Ride
- Hellcat
- Hot Cherries
- Hot Rod
- Cherry Pie
- Chestnut
- Crimson Machine
- Currant
- Daredevil
- Dragon Breath
- Amber
- Apple
- Fireball
- Rusty
- Sangria
- Scarlet
- Scarlett
- Texan
- Maraschino
- Marooned
- Phoenix
- Reckless Red
- Red Baron
- Red Velvet
- Merlot
- Naughty Santa
- Orange Blossom
- Redbull
- Red-Eyed Beast
- Wine
What Are Good Names For Jeeps?
Like baby, you can give your gigantic Wrangler a cool or sick name. For owners who have high modest models, like the Jeep Cherokee, for instance. Try names like Terra or Gold. Names like this very much fit these types of vehicles. Suppose you own a black, white, green, or red Jeep. Using any nickname synonymous with the color of your Jeep can also be a very good match.
What is the Best Brand of Jeeps in 2022?
The top five Jeep models to purchase in 2022are the 2022 Jeep Compass, 2022 Jeep Cherokee, 2021 Jeep Wrangler, and 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Any of these 2022 models would fit very well into that Jeep lifestyle. Although, there are models from that same year that are also remarkable. If you can buy a Jeep, try checking out the most recent models like the Wrangler Rubicon, and Grand Cherokee Trailhawk before you make a final decision.
Is a Jeep a Good Car?
Jeep Wrangler has a very high-reliability score, attaining 83 out of 100. Also, the J.D Power reached a score of 91 to 100, regarded as the best. Scores between 81 – 90 can be Great, 70 – 80 is on the Average scale, and anything between 0 – 69 is Fair.
What are the Most Popular Jeeps?
Based on the statistics on sales, the Jeep Grand Cherokee, Renegade, Compass, and Wrangler are among the most popular Jeep in the world, and many people widely appreciate them. Jeep on its own is a popular name, so you should expect high sales from this brand.
Why was Jeep called Willys?
The ‘Willys’ name came about when the government chose a vehicle that referenced the style of the Bantam car production company. Bantam didn’t have sufficient production equipment to produce lots of vehicles, and the military needed lots of suppliers. During this time, Willys signed a contract to produce a Jeep far back in the 40s.
Final Thoughts
Now you’ve got a plethora of Jeep names. Have you decided on what best fits your Jeep or the name you like the most? When you decide on which name to give your Jeep, ensure you share it with us below.